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Life cannot exist without enzymes. Enzymes are involved in every function of the body. Vitamins, minerals and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. Digestive enzymes are the catalysts which allow us to break down foods into absorb-able nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. Once these nutrients are liberated, enzymes again play a vital role in escorting them to the cells and tissues for utilization. Therefore, without proper enzyme functioning, such nutrients are useless to our bodies.

The Dangers of Poor Digestion

Individuals who are enzyme deficient are subject to physical problems, disease and degeneration. Studies indicate that decreased enzymes levels are found in a number of chronic ailments, such as arthritis, diabetes, allergies, skin diseases, cancer, immune deficiencies and much more. Because of genetics, diet, lifestyle, processed foods, and a toxic environment, we are all at risk for decreased enzymes levels. A healthy diet and lifestyle, along with supplemental digestive enzymes can be an vital key to prevention and/or correction of such conditions. By taking supplemental enzymes, the body is ensured that it will get the necessary nutrition it needs for optimal health and transformation.

I’ve Taken All the Guesswork Out!

Digestive Wellness Kit
Digestive Wellness Kit

Since digestive health is such a critical component for achieving overall wellness, I have put together everything your body needs to restore proper digestion in an easy to use kit called DIGESTIVE WELLNESS KIT. The Digestive Wellness Kit includes 3 components, Advanced Digest, Advanced Protease, and Advanced Probiotic. Below I will explain how each component of the kit work within the body to help you achieve better digestive health and healthier, more vibrant life!

Scroll to the bottom of the page for a special offer!


Advanced Digest
Advanced Digest

Optimal digestion results in nutrient availability, delivery and absorption for cellular function and repair. Do you feel bad every time you eat? Do you suffer from common digestive disorders such as:

  • Acid reflux or indigestion
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lactose or gluten intolerance
  • Nagging food allergies

Advanced Digest will get the nutrients from the food you eat to your cells in a recognizable and usable form. Genetics, stressful lifestyles, poor diet, processed foods, prescription drugs and the environment all influence your digestion on a daily basis. You can no longer assume eating a healthy diet will result in good nutrition. Advanced Digest taken with meals promotes optimal digestion, nutrient availability and cellular health.

Health Benefits include:

  • Digestion without discomfort
  • Maximum metabolism and energy production
  • Strong immune system
  • Reduced food intolerances and allergies

Advanced Digest not only takes the stress off of the digestive organs, it also reduces oxidative stress which may lessen pre-mature aging. Advanced Digest delivers nutrients to the cell and that nutrition is the foundation of your wellness.


Advanced Protease
Advanced Protease

Optimal Circulation and Immunity results in complete delivery of nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, enhancing its ability to defend and detoxify itself on a regular basis. Are you at risk for or suffer from:

  • High blood pressure or cardiovascular disease?
  • Inflammatory conditions like arthritis, allergies or diabetes?
  • Weakened immunity or recurrent infections?
  • Toxicity and chemical sensitivities?

Advanced Protease provides systemic benefits to the circulatory system, the immune system, and the detoxifying organs. This formula is also very effective at helping reduce and control chronic inflammation, the underlying cause of most degenerative diseases. Advanced Protease is proactive support to your body’s natural recovery and healing processes.

Health Benefits include:

  • Improved circulation
  • Regulation of fibrin reducing inappropriate clot formation
  • Regulation of inflammation
  • Faster recovery and healing
  • Improved resistance to allergies, colds and infections
  • Enhanced detoxification

Advanced Protease taken daily between meals reduces stress on your heart and immune system and promotes oxygen flow to your brain and vital tissues. Advanced Protease is essential to your wellness program.


Advanced Probiotic
Advanced Probiotic

Optimal Intestinal Health results in complete digestion, production of vital nutrients and elimination of food waste. Have you taken antibiotics and suffer from intestinal imbalances that cause embarrassing discomfort such as:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Painful cramping or bleeding in the GI tract
  • Constipation and/or diarrhea
  • Lactose intolerance

Advanced Probiotic replaces the flora in your GI tract that often becomes depleted by antibiotic use or imbalanced by poor diet choices. Further complications can arise when the opportunistic microorganisms feed off of undigested food, creating gas and releasing toxic waste into the bloodstream. Advanced Probiotic is acid stable and survives the GI tract to become live cultures, colonizing and providing health benefits to the human host.

Health Benefits include:

  • Production of digestive enzymes assisting with protein, fat and lactose digestion
  • Immune support
  • Healthy and timely elimination of waste

Advanced Probiotic taken at bedtime will help maintain the beneficial bacteria in your GI tract benefiting digestion, immunity and elimination.

How Do I Take Enzymes?

The Advanced Digest needs to be taken with your meals. Ideally this you will take the digestive enzymes after the first bite of food. This will allow the enzymes to do their job of breaking down your foods into absorb-able nutrients most efficiently.

The Advanced Protease however needs to be taken on an empty stomach (between your meals). Otherwise, your body will use it for digesting your food, instead of being absorbed into the blood and doing its work there. Remember that the purpose of the protease is to improve the circulatory system, the immune system, and reduce and control chronic inflammation in the body.

The Advanced Probiotic is best taken at bedtime. During this time the pH of the stomach is relatively low, allowing the bacteria to have a higher chance of attaching to the intestinal wall and thriving.

You can refer to the chart below to see how the Digestive Wellness Kit should be taken throughout the day.

Digstive Wellness Dosage Schedule

Ready to Start Restoring Your Digestive Health?

To help you get started I am including a special discount code that you can use to get 15% off your first Digestive Wellness Kit!

USE CODE: healthygut15

Click Here to Purchase Your Kit



Top 7 Nutrient Deficiencies

1) Vitamin D

Before the year 2000, very few doctors even considered the possibility that you might be vitamin D deficient. But as awareness has grown and the technology to measure vitamin D became inexpensive and widely available, more and more studies have been done.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 32 percent of Americans were vitamin D deficient. However, even this is grossly underestimated as they used vitamin D levels that were not consistent with optimal health. If levels of an optimal range (over 60 ng/ml) were used the percent of deficient Americans would be closer to 85%.

It is not possible to get enough Vitamin D without adequate sun exposure or supplementation. There are very few food sources available, and none contain high enough levels. People with darker skin are also more at risk for D deficiency. In most cases it takes a minimum of 50,000 iu or more weekly to raise Vitamin D Levels into an optimal range. If you are going to take more than that, you need to get tested to make sure your levels do not get too high.

Signs of deficiency:

Depressed Moods, Fatigue, Bone & Joint Pain or Aches, Excessive Sweating, Weakness, erectile dysfunction, recurring illness, Psoriasis, Hypertension, Kidney Disease, Greater Pain Sensitivity, Stress Fractures

Good food sources:

Salmon, Mackerel, Egg Yolks, Shiitake Mushrooms

2) Omega-3 Fats

Omega-3 and omega-6 are two types of fat that are essential for human health. However, the typical American consumes far too many omega-6 fats in her diet while consuming very low omega-3 levels. Omega-6 is primarily sourced from corn, soy, canola, safflower, and sunflower oils. These are overabundant in the typical diet, which accounts for excess omega-6 levels. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is 1:1, however our ratio averages from 20:1 to 50:1. Many scientists believe that one reason there is a high incidence of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, premature aging, and some cancer forms today is this profound omega-3-omega-6 imbalance.

There are actually two main types of Omega-3 fatty acids, animal based and plant based. Animal sources contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) , and plant sources contain alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Most of the health benefit comes from the EPA and DHA. In fact, ALA is converted in the body into EPA and DHA. However, the body is only capable of converting small amounts of ALA, so including either an animal based source or both sources of Omega-3s in your diet is ideal. In most cases dietary sources are not enough and supplementation with additional EPA and DHA is needed.

Signs of deficiency:

Poor Memory & Concentration, Dry Skin, Mood Swings, Fatigue, Brittle Nails, Anxiety, Dry Eyes, Joint Pain

Good food sources:

Salmon, Krill Oil, Sardines, Anchovies, Flaxseed Oil, Chia Seeds, Walnuts, Oatmeal, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Parsley, Watercress

3) Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral used by every organ in your body, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys . According to recent statistics, up to 80 percent of Americans are lacking in this essential macro-mineral, which is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Standard blood tests are not sufficient for identifying Magnesium deficiencies since only 1 percent of the Magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood.

It is difficult to get enough magnesium through your diet, so supplementation is needed. Taking a minimum of 100mg per day of Magnesium is recommended for overall health. There are several forms of magnesium supplements on the market  with Magnesium Glycinate being the form that is most easily absorbed by the body. Taking Magnesium at night is preferred as it can also help with sleep.

Signs of deficiency:

Loss of appetite, Headaches, Muscle Cramps, Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Numbness and Tingling, Anxiety, Insomnia, Constipation, Hypertension

Good food sources:

Dark Leafy Greens, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, White Beans, Black-eyed Peas, Avocado, Figs, Dark Chocolate, Bananas, raspberries

4) Vitamin B12

B12 is known as the energy vitamin. Your body requires it for a number of vital functions, including energy production, blood formation, DNA synthesis, and myelin formation. The two ways you become deficient are through a lack of vitamin B12 in your diet, or through your inability to absorb it from the food you eat. About one in four American adults are deficient in this important nutrient, and over half the population has sub-optimal blood levels. Vitamin B-12 is mostly available only in animal foods: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Vegans are particularly susceptible to deficiency and should take a B Complex supplement daily.

Signs of deficiency:

Fatigue, lack of energy, muscle weakness, tingling in your extremities, Mood swings, lack of motivation, insomnia, mental fogginess, depression

Good food sources:

Liver & Other Organ Meats, Red Meats, Salmon, Clams, Crab, Eggs, Sardines, Dairy

5) Iodine

Iodine is necessary for the proper function of many of the body’s tissues including the breasts, pancreas, brain, stomach, adrenal glands, skin, salivary glands, and cerebral spinal fluid. Iodine is particularly critical for proper thyroid function. In fact, more than 75% of the iodine in the body is stored in the thyroid gland. Depleted iodine levels in soils, the over-consumption of processed foods, and increased exposure to iodine blocking substances called Halides, commonly found in baked goods, tap water, toothpastes, pesticides, and vegetable oils have all lead to a severe decrease in the average American’s Iodine levels. Supplementation of 5-10mg of Iodine per day is highly recommended. You can read more about why Iodine is so critically important for your health here.

Signs of deficiency:

Dry mouth, dry skin, reduced alertness, brain fog, fibromyalgia, fibrocystic breasts, anxiety, depression, insomnia, brain fog, loss of concentration

Good food sources:

Seaweed & Other Sea Vegetables, Shrimp, Prunes, Navy Beans, Bananas, Cranberries, Green Beans, Turkey Breast

6) Iron

Iron is essential for human life. One of the most important roles of iron is to provide hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells), a mechanism through which it can bind to oxygen and carry it throughout your tissues. Without proper oxygenation, your cells quickly start dying.

Since your body has a limited capacity to excrete iron, it can build up in your body. Too much iron can be worse than not having enough, so it is important to get tested to make sure you have optimal levels. Testing is done with a simple blood test called a serum ferritin test. Levels below 20 ng/ml are considered low, and levels above 80 are considered high. An optimal level would be between 40 and 60. Iron deficiency is actually the most common deficiency among women.

Signs of deficiency:

fatigue, decreased immunity, anemia, dizziness, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, anxiety, hair loss

Good food sources:

Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Liver, Lentils, Kidney Beans, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Dark Chocolate, Oysters

7) Vitamin C

vitamin C is an essential nutrient, meaning that we cannot produce it in our bodies so we must get it through our diets or supplementation. Most people are aware of the immune boosting effects of vitamin C, but its effects go beyond that. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that can help to reduce the occurrence of major diseases including cancer and heart disease. Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen and other soft tissue in the body.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin C is drastically low (60 mg), leading to a false sense of security. In the animal kingdom, all other mammals except for humans, guinea pigs, and some bats and primates, make their own vitamin C. As a percentage of their body weight, these animals produce much higher levels that our RDA recommends. If we were to apply this ratio of vitamin C product to the average 154 lb human by body weight the proper daily amount would be closer to 6,000 mg per day. Spacing the dose out into two or three portions and working up your dose over time will help reduce the chance of loose bowels.

Signs of deficiency:

Decreased ability to fight infection, skin bruises easily, slower wound healing, nosebleeds, dry skin, weakened tooth enamel, dry hair

Good food sources:

Oranges, Red Sweet Peppers, Chili Peppers, Kale, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Papaya, Strawberries, Mango

Nutritional Deficiency Testing

One of the things I recommend to may patients is Nutritional Deficiency Testing. Until recently, it was difficult to detect what patients were deficient in but science and technology have provided us with cutting edge testing that allows us to see deficiencies on a cellular level. The test I use is called a SpectraCell Micronutrient Test, which actually looks within the white blood cells at 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids. This is a great test to help you identify where your specific deficiencies are and allow you to monitor your improvements as you supplement accordingly. If you are not within reach of the Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa you can locate a SpectraCell provider in your area here.

Is Your Food Making You Sick?

Most people are aware of food allergies. Everyone knows someone who has an allergy to peanuts, strawberries, shellfish, or some other food. However, what most people are not aware of are Food Sensitivities.

True food allergies are based on exposure to a specific protein component of a food. The immune system incorrectly perceives the protein as a threat and produces antibodies in response. The reaction to a food allergy is usually immediate and severe, and can even be fatal. True food allergies are estimated to affect less than 2 percent of adults and 4 to 8 percent of young children and infants.

Other common indications of food sensitivities include:

  • Bloating or Irregular Digestion
  • Irritable Bowels & Reflux
  • Skin Rashes of any kind
  • Runny Rose or Excess Mucus
  • Muscle/Joint Aches and Pains
  • Depression and Mood Swings

What Exactly are Food Sensitivities?

Food sensitivity on the other-hand is extremely common. In fact, in over 9 years of testing patients we have observed that virtually everyone has at least some degree of sensitivity to one or more foods. The most common sensitivities we observe are to Gluten, Corn, Diary, Soy, and Eggs, which is no surprise since our diets have become bombarded with these foods. These 5 foods make up nearly 75% of all food sensitivities.

Food sensitivities may arise for various reasons and cause a wide variety of symptoms, making it complex and oftentimes confusing. In general, food sensitivities are the result of toxic responses to food. Identifying food sensitivity without laboratory testing can be extremely difficult because symptoms may be delayed for up to two days after a food has been consumed.

Signs That You May Have Food Sensitivity

A very common symptom of food allergies is dark circles underneath the eyes, which indicates a negative liver response to a food. Another common symptom is feeling tired or mentally foggy after eating. Have you heard of the term “food coma”? Somehow it’s become a commonly accepted term and side effect of eating. If you are eating food that nourishes and supports you, you should feel clear and energized after eating it…not foggy and drained.

How Can You Accurately Detect Your Food Sensitivities?

Laboratory testing is the easiest and most accurate way to identify your specific food sensitivities. The test I use in my practice is a 96IGG food sensitivity test, which tests for 96 different foods. The results are usually returned within 3 weeks. Once results are received, the results are reviewed and interpreted by a physician and a personalized eating plan is prepared.

Your eating plan should include a rotation diet, shopping lists, foods to avoid, and food substitutions you can make. For example, substituting cashew butter for peanut butter, or substituting coconut flour for wheat flour. Most patients are on a rotation diet for 6 months and then can slowly re-introduce certain foods back into their diet one at a time to determine if the sensitivity has resolved itself. We recommend re-testing every 6-12 months.

Find Out Which Foods Are Making YOU Sick!

Knowledge is power. To discover your specific food sensitivities and get on a customized eating plan for optimal health, request a Free Consultation today. Call (218) 313-7435 or Request a Consultation Online. We would love to discuss this service with you in more detail and answer any questions you have!

Weight is a big topic in America, and trends indicate that our increasing weight gain has become a widespread problem that qualifies as an epidemic. Controlling your weight can be a real struggle in today’s fast-paced lifestyle and fast food mentality. Unfortunately, the options for weight management in conventional practices are limited to a small number of medications, a confusing array of dietary approaches and surgical procedures with their inherent risks and complications.

Integrative weight management approaches weight-loss from a holistic perspective. Through an integrative approach you can abandon “yo-yo” dieting and achieve your weight loss goals effectively and naturally. Through a proper balance of foods, exercise, supplementation, and hormonal balance you can help to restore your metabolism and make sustained weight loss a reality. Below is an outline of the

Nutritional Deficiencies & Weight Loss

Nutritional deficiencies are a widespread problem that affects countless people and can be due to several factors including poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals in the foods available, and inability to absorb nutrients. Nutritional needs vary considerably from person to person due to genetic makeup, metabolic types, lifestyle factors, exposure to toxins, and other factors.

It used to be extremely difficult to detect exactly which nutrients a person was deficient in, However, cutting edge nutritional testing now allows us to see deficiencies on a cellular level and provide a treatment plan to support each patient based upon their specific needs. In addition to weight gain, some other common symptoms of nutritional deficiencies can include low energy, foggy thinking, hair loss, weak immune system, poor skin health.

Spectracell Sample Results

Inflammatory Foods & Weight Loss

Food sensitivities are often confused with food allergies but, in fact, they are quite different. With allergies, symptoms can be very dangerous and even life-threatening. A food intolerance, on the other hand, is more likely to present itself with symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), eczema, migraines, heartburn, fatigue, bloating, gas, and asthma. Food sensitivities lead to inflammation, hinder nutrient absorption, and negatively affect our metabolism.

Our IGG testing is the most comprehensive food sensitivity testing available. It tests for a multitude of food sensitivities and we provide each patient a customized meal plan based on their specific sensitivities to effectively reduce their symptoms an promote weight management.

Hormonal Balance & Weight Loss

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. When your hormones are balanced, your body functions at its peak. Unfortunately, hormone imbalances can cause significant side effects and negatively impact your quality of life including a potentially dramatic effect on your weight.

Your thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating your metabolism. You don’t have to be outside of the “normal range” to have sub-optimal thyroid function. Getting your thyroid function back to an optimal level can help with weight loss as well as may other symptoms associated with low thyroid.

Your sex hormones can also have an effect on your weight. For men, low testosterone can lead to an increase in belly fat, fatigue, low libido, and even depressed moods. For women, an increasingly common condition called estrogen dominance can lead to weight gain, endometriosis, irregular menstrual flow, fibroids, and depression.

Proper testing, analysis of symptoms, and treatment with bio-identical hormones can help to alleviate the symptoms of hormonal imbalance, including weight gain.

Non-Invasive Options for Accelerating Weight Loss

hCG – If you have at least 15 pounds to lose, our hCG weight loss program could help you reach your goal both safely and quickly. The hCG hormone releases abnormal fat deposits and makes the fat available for consumption by the body. Combined with specific diet guidelines, many of our patients lose between 15-30 pounds with each hCG cycle.

Vanquish MEVanquish ME is FDA-cleared for circumferential reduction of the waist, and destroys resistant fat cells to achieve a beautifully contoured abdomen and trim waistline. Vanquish is a painless, non-invasive treatment that precisely targets heat into the fat layer while protecting surrounding skin. Vanquish ME creates a high-frequency energy field and employs a panel array to treat the entire core in one application.

Vanquish ME

CoolSculptingCoolSculpting is an FDA cleared treatment that permanently removes fat from areas of that are resistant to diet and exercise. The treatment works by freezing unwanted fat cells which then crystallize and are naturally eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Ideal candidates have areas of bulging resistant fat that does not improve with diet and or exercise and are healthy patients who seek a non-invasive treatment to resolve these areas.


Get a Free Consultation

We always offer you the opportunity for a complimentary consultation with one of our wellness consultants. If you would like to get more information on how we can help you to achieve your weight loss goals, please feel free to contact us today at 281-313-7435 or by requesting a consultation online.

Oral Health and Overall HealthHow can the health of your mouth affect your whole body? The past 5 to 10 years have seen a growing interest in possible links between oral health and body health. Several studies have been conducted that show a connection between the health of your mouth and many serious health concerns. Below are just a few of the connections that have already been made.

Oral Health and Heart Disease

Inflammation in the body is a primary factor in heart disease. When you have inflammation in the mouth, this can increase the amount of inflammation throughout the body, including in the arteries, where it can lead to heart attack and stroke. Additionally, several species of bacteria that cause periodontitis (erosion of tissue and bone that support the teeth) have been found to be present in arterial plaque in the heart. This plaque can lead to heart attack.

Oral Health and Respiratory Infections

According to research published in the Journal of Periodontology. A new study suggests that periodontal disease may increase the risk for respiratory infections, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. Researchers suspect that the presence of oral pathogens associated with periodontal disease may increase a patient’s risk of developing or exacerbating respiratory disease.

Oral Health and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Some studies show that people with moderate to severe gum disease are nearly three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. People with periodontitis also have higher blood levels of an antibody that has been associated with more severe, damaging RA than people with healthy gums.

The Bottom Line

There is definitely a connection between our oral health and the health of our whole bodies. All of the connections between the two are yet to be discovered, but it is clear that taking care of your teeth is not only an investment in your smile, but also your entire body!

anti-agingWhy are more and more women becoming interested in Anti-Aging Medicine? Women today are more in tune with their health and well being. We not only wish to merely prolong our lives, but we want to ensure that those years are enjoyed in a productive and vital fashion. This is the goal of Anti-Aging medicine. This form of medicine is based on the very early detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related diseases.

If you have had your cholesterol tested, taken a lipid-lowering drug, had a mammogram, or taken HRT with thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, melatonin, or DHEA, you have experienced anti-aging medicine.

You can take every pill and rue your parents for passing on their genes, but if you want to live long and healthy there are at least three things you must do:

  1. Eat right
  2. Be nutritionally & hormonally balanced
  3. Exercise regularly

While there are no guarantees in life, adopting these healthy pursuits can enhance your chances of vitality as you reach your 60s, 70s, 80s — and beyond, experts say.

You May Ask…How Do I Begin?

Let’s Begin with Diet and Nutrition:

We all need to eat a well-balanced, nutritionally sound diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Many people work hard at eating well, but may still have some vitamin, mineral or antioxidant deficiencies that will affect the function of their immune system. Research at the University of Texas showed that 50% of people eating well and taking vitamin supplements were still deficient.

A new state of the art test by Spectracell Labs measures intracellular levels of vitamins, minerals and other essential micronutrients. This test reveals a person’s functional nutritional status over a much longer time than conventional serum testing. A program can then be catered by your physician to focus in on your nutritional deficiencies and a tailor-made vitamin and supplement plan can be created to address your specific needs. Identifying and correcting your specific micronutrient deficiencies will help promote optimal function of your body and help prevent the development or progression of chronic disease.

Hormonal Balance is Equally as Important:

There could be deficiencies in a woman’s thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, or DHEA levels. All these hormones are crucial for healthy living and should be measured. Let’s take Thyroid as an example. The Thyroid Foundation of America (TFA) estimates that there are 14 million people in the U.S. with an underactive thyroid, about 70 percent of them women, and about half of whom don’t even know they have a problem. Recently, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) decided to raise its standards for “normal” levels of thyroid hormones, potentially making millions of additional women candidates for hypothyroidism treatment.

There are two types of hormone supplements that could be utilized…synthetic and bio-identical. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine suggests using bio-identical hormone replacement. This is based on the idea of replenishing your bodies with hormones that are biologically identical to what your body has lost, thus minimizing potential side effects while increasing benefit. Speak to your Ob/Gyn about measuring and replacing hormones to achieve a balance that is right for you.

Exercise & Weight Control is Another Key to a Longer, Healthier Life:

Overweight Americans are sicker late in life than normal-weight people and die prematurely, a new study shows. Researchers at Columbia University in New York found that overweight and obese women spend an average of three more years in ill health than normal-weight women. Heavy people are more likely to suffer from pain, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other illnesses.

Today, Americans spend more on health care than anyone else in the world. And yet, we aren’t much healthier as a people. The take-home lesson: it’s never too late to start eating well, balancing our hormones and nutrition, and exercising, but getting a jump start while you’re still agile is best.

Live a Longer, More VITAL Life – Adopt Anti-Aging Medicine!

With all that long and vital lives can offer us both personally and as a society, anti-aging medicine has accelerated the pace of advancements in health promotion and prevention, and is the most important new model for health care for this new millennium. By implementing a proactive health program embracing elements of anti-aging preventive medical care for yourself, you increase your ability to live a long and robust lifespan in which you will spend quality and abundant time with your family and its future generations.